Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula

A produção de ânforas no Estuário do Tejo durante a Idade do Ferro

Pottery (Archaeology) / Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula / Phoenician Punic Archaeology / Amphorae (Archaeology) / Iron Age

O petróglifo das Pedragueiras no concello de Muros

Prehistoric Archaeology / Galician Studies / Rock Art (Archaeology) / Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology) / Bronze Age Archaeology / Galician / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula / Petroglyphs and Pictographs / Bronze Age (Archaeology) / Early Bronze Age (Archaeology) / Prehistory / Prehistoric Rock Art / Rock Art / Bronze Age / Petroglyphs / Galicia / Petroglifos / Galician archaeology / Petroglifos Edad De Bronce, Prehistoria De Galicia / Arqueología, Historia Antigua, Antigüedad Tardía, Roma, Hispania, Mundo Ibérico / Bronce Atlántico / Galician / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula / Petroglyphs and Pictographs / Bronze Age (Archaeology) / Early Bronze Age (Archaeology) / Prehistory / Prehistoric Rock Art / Rock Art / Bronze Age / Petroglyphs / Galicia / Petroglifos / Galician archaeology / Petroglifos Edad De Bronce, Prehistoria De Galicia / Arqueología, Historia Antigua, Antigüedad Tardía, Roma, Hispania, Mundo Ibérico / Bronce Atlántico

Padroeiros controversos na Monarquia Católica - resenha

Early Modern History / Iberian Studies / Cult of Saints / Saints' Cults / Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula / Early Modern Catholicism / Monarquía Hispánica / Spanish Monarchy / Early Modern Catholicism / Monarquía Hispánica / Spanish Monarchy

Alves, L. B. 2012. Génio e Talento do Passado. A arte gravada do Penedo do Encanto e da Chã da Rapada, ADERE- Associação de Desenvolvimento das Regiões do Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês/Arqueohoje, Lda.

Prehistoric Archaeology / Rock Art (Archaeology) / Rock Art management & Awareness / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula / Prehistoric Art / Prehistoric Rock Art / Rock Art / Arte Rupestre / Petroglifos / Rock art research / Schematic Rock Art / Atlantic Rock Art / Prehistoric Art / Prehistoric Rock Art / Rock Art / Arte Rupestre / Petroglifos / Rock art research / Schematic Rock Art / Atlantic Rock Art

Alves, L. B., Cardoso, J. M., Reis, M., Carvalho, B. 2014. ART-FACTS: Uma investigação sobre os contextos arqueológicos da Arte Esquemática no vale do Côa, CôaVisão, nº 16: 101-106

Rock Art (Archaeology) / Neolithic Archaeology / Neolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula / Prehistoric Art / Arqueología / Prehistoric Rock Art / Arte Rupestre / Arqueología Social / Arqueología del Paisaje / Rock art research / Rock Art, Prehistoric Art and Archaeology / Arte Rupestre Prehistórico / Arte Rupestre Esquemático / Art Rupestre Préhistorique / Arte Rupestre Postpaleolítico / Prehistoric Art / Arqueología / Prehistoric Rock Art / Arte Rupestre / Arqueología Social / Arqueología del Paisaje / Rock art research / Rock Art, Prehistoric Art and Archaeology / Arte Rupestre Prehistórico / Arte Rupestre Esquemático / Art Rupestre Préhistorique / Arte Rupestre Postpaleolítico

CRUZ, C.; BETTENCOURT, AMS; PM CALLAPEZ; SILVA, LMS; MONTEIRO-RODRIGUES, S. (2014). Materiais de construção e artefatos líticos nas práticas funerárias neolíticas da serra da Boa Viagem (Centro-Oeste de Portugal). O caso do monumento megalítico do Cabeço dos Moinhos. Corpos e Metais:9-32.

Material Culture Studies / Neolithic Archaeology / Megalithic Monuments / Death and Burial (Archaeology) / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula / Material Culture / Lithic Raw Material Sourcing / Megalitismo / Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula / Material Culture / Lithic Raw Material Sourcing / Megalitismo

CRUZ, C; BETTENCOURT, AMS; COMENDADOR REY, B & RODRIGUES, A. (2014). Achados metálicos do Vouga e do baixo-Mondego (Centro de Portugal): contributos para a sua contextualização e interpretação. In: Corpos e Metais...:147-159.

Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology) / Late Bronze Age archaeology / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Bronze Age metal hoards / Bronze Age Hoards / Bronce Atlántico / Hoards and Ritual Deposits / Bronze Age metal hoards / Bronze Age Hoards / Bronce Atlántico / Hoards and Ritual Deposits

\"Iberians as enemies\"

Military History / Roman military history / Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula / Ancient Military History / Second Punic War / Ancient Weapons and Warfare / Second Punic War / Ancient Weapons and Warfare

Península Ibérica, Aspectos econômicos, sociais e culturais das exportações ibéricas no Império Romano

Ancient History / Cultural History / Archaeology / Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula / Historia Social / Historia Antiga / Península Ibérica / Antiguidade Clássica / Historia Antiga / Península Ibérica / Antiguidade Clássica

As comunidades agropastoris na margem esquerda do Guadiana. 2ª metade do IV aos inícios do II milénio.

Neolithic Archaeology / Chalcolithic Archaeology / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula / Prehistory / Neolithic

Monchique, a Montanha Sagrada

Archaeology / Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula / Arqueología / Algarve / Arqueologia / Patrimonio Cultural / História Do Algarve / Southwestern Iberian Peninsula / Serra de Monchique / Patrimonio Cultural / História Do Algarve / Southwestern Iberian Peninsula / Serra de Monchique

O Monte Molião (LAGOS) no Baixo Im pério: um epifenómeno

Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula / Roman Archaeology

Variacións rexionais nas sociedades pre e protohistóricas galaicas

Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula

A ocupação da Idade do Bronze da Quinta da Fidalga

Archaeology / Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology) / Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula / Middle Bronze Age
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